MT7621 PCIe DTS issues. (MT76 stopped working with latest updates)

Hi biangbiangmian, I got same issue. My board is U7621-1(MT7612 + MT7602 + 4G model). Have you solved this?

Hello, sorry for delay, i am unable to test it temporary as 2.4Ghz also have incomplete support (power amplifier not working and signal is too weak). I tested last week, still it is pretty unusable even in 2.4ghz :frowning:
I will try to test 5Ghz soon.

Hello, I installed the compatible firmware for the zbt-wg108 router "openwrt_ZBT-WE1326_V7" and the 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz wifi modules work correctly. This firmware runs on Linux kernel 3.10.
Extract the drivers (.ko) of the wifi modules to test in the openwrt 4.14 kernel "openwrt-19.07.2-ramips-mt7621-zbt-we1326-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin" and the problem of tx power remains.

I am attaching the firmware files for possible help to solve this problem.