Mikrotik with OpenWrt password reset

It doesn't work for me. I use Automated Serial Terminal.
By the way, after boot message there are many zeros in the serial.

I was unable to interrupt the boot process from the PC keyboard.
So there are no options left to restore the router?

well it's really uncommon this. you need play with bootloader and other uart adapters, or you need try to bruteforce the password.

Yuo know any soft for this?

You could look into programming the flash chip directly with an in-system-programmer (ISP). Be aware, though, that you may completely destroy the device if you don't know what you're doing. Specifically, you may damage the boot loader and (depending on the where it is stored) even the factory calibration data for the wifi radios and the ethernet MACs. This would cause major issues.

Because this would potentially wander into the territory of illegal or unethical software usage (even though your stated intent is fine), we will not be discussing software to help with this method on the forum. You are welcome to do your own research or ask on other sites, but we must keep the conversation from entering murky legal waters.

I'd try it. It's not working right now anyway. I suppose, need to erase rootfs_data? But I have no experience. Can you provide a link? What software should I use? Will I need a programmer?

I haven't needed to do this on any routers I've ever used. Search the forum and I'm sure you'll find some similar threads.