Method to flash any NR7101

Its from Telia, i tried today with the WiFi password thats on a sticky note, but no luck.


Or just open with lan connected to Poe ? Login as admin/1234 ?

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I have tried with with lan connected to PoE, but no ping or http / https, i think its in bridgemode.
I tried with 3UQC47T728s8 and that did not work, I will try with 3UQC43T728s8.

@slippern try this.

Hello, i need some help if someone can help me.
I have managed to install openwrt on the Telenor branded NR7101. I am using the R11A06 (also tried the latest firmware R13A04, but reverted to A06) firmware and the openwrt image on the NR7101 wiki page. I am using Phonero simcard with "telia" as APN. I have tried both with and without sim lock, but i refuse to connect to internet.
I have tried both mbim and qmi mode. Same result. I have also tried uqmi and umbi but, it will not connect to the cdc-wdm0. I also get no respond when trying to set wds.
I have also tried Zyxel image and ROOter image. Same happends as with OpenWRT.

Anyone have a clue how i can get any further? Picocom works, and i am sending AT commands to the ttyUSB0, and it respond. But refuse to go online. And sometimes it just hangs and stop responding. I have followed every step at the openwrt wiki page and qmi/mbim wiki page. But still no respond.

Any advice? Anyone who can help med debug?

Thanks! That did the trick, and flashed it with an OEM firmware, no more Telia!
Default password after flash is 1234.
Also tried with a new usb uart device, still just gibberish.

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