Meraki MV72x how to get any use of it?

Is there any way I can make use of this IP CAM?

PS: Reg by Meraki is done....

There are a few (very limited) cameras that are supported by openwrt. So I would not expect that this would be possible. However, I’ve moved this thread to the developer section so that the devs can comment. Likely, if support is even possible, it would require that you (@apo240k ) are actively involved in the process of development (otherwise it will simply never happen).


yes I would love to be involveld and give all the help I could!

My skills in coding a likely limited. But I am enthusiast!
If the people seem thrustworthy ( :wink: ) I would even send It to them. If it is helpfull!

Right now it is just an very expensive paperweight...

Thank you!

PS: Yep I am informed that this Forum is about routers. But the Internet says Meraki and wrt are a chance. No one else except the "dark Forums" seem to be a chance!

Thank you all in advance!