Meaning hex codes in log file

Can somebody tell what these codes 0x40, 0x60 and 0x100 mean?
0x40 could be bit 6 and 0x100 bit 8 where config is changed but what?

Sun Jul 12 01:26:40 2020 kern.debug kernel: [310244.952470] ieee80211 phy0: change: 0x40
Sun Jul 12 01:26:40 2020 kern.debug kernel: [310245.132469] ieee80211 phy0: change: 0x60
Sun Jul 12 01:26:40 2020 kern.debug kernel: [310245.240491] ieee80211 phy0: change: 0x100

just the wifi driver changing channel in the dfs scan :smiley:

These log records are in the log during connection loss
I use a non-dfs channel 48.

What does 0x60 mean?