Maintenance / Documentation

Huh, what does this mean???


I think you should apologize to @bobafetthotmail.


In see a new page "test" but there is no "Edit" link for me. As I said, I tried and failed to contribute. And I'm fine with that. Not every project wants help from "outsiders"....

Are you OK?

If you have a problem posting in the Wiki...maybe you should ask? (that's what I did when I first got here and didn't understand, in fact, I still ask how to post to the Wiki.)

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So you don't have this menu on the right?

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Sorry @bobafetthotmail: But I didn`t find your update. I looked on the Table of Hardware page as well as on the Techdata page and didn't find anything about Chinese characters and stuff. And your post is, for me, basically an image, without any links. If you posted somewhere else, PLEASE let me know....

Looks like you are looking at the wrong places...

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OK, I found it, thank you! Just getting used to whatever CMS OpenWRT is using..

OK, found it there, but the OP, like me was using a ZBT-WG3526 board, (aka an Cioswi CSW-WR646 router), not the legacy WG2626. And these Routers are very badly documented on

I am beginning to seriously doubt your ability to understand things...

So I think you need to follow the instructions for the wg2626

I'm OK, just getting used to the OpenWRT way of doing things...including their CMS...

OK, I'm seriously drunk by now (02.02 AM local time on a Sunday) but doesn't the post explicitly talk about a WG3526 and guess what I just got this router, which is still different from the WG2626 router your post refers to. At least it has a different "target" in OpenWRT. And the solution is actually provided by @wg3526_201908 with a lot of reference to LTEHacks.. Anyway, if you just got a new WG3526, what are you searching for: WG2626 Seriously?

Wrong router, you get that, right? Also: not sorry anymore...

Anyway: My primary topic was completely different from what you see in the posts. How do you keep OpenWRT secure? With Windows I just install all updates, With Debian I can just install security updates automatically. How is that supposed to work with OpenWRT?

Go to sleep @mbuette, you are too drunk to understand what they are writing there. We aren't going to discuss security tonight.



[You're not] OK.

I'd love to chat about security. :smiley:

@mbuette thanks for adding information to the device page in the wiki, I'm sorry it seems I did indeed forget to write a line about using the other device's install instructions in the wg3526 page

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@bobafetthotmail looking at your WG2626 page, I noticed that your bootlog is more than just dmesg. It seems to contain output from the bootloader as well? How did you get that?
Thanks! using the serial console will give you access to the bootloader and debugging output of the SOCs ROM initialization.

Thanks! But sorry, no :slight_smile: I assume that "serial" refers to the 3 holes in the PCB labeled (RX/TX/GND)? I'm not really a hardware guy, so I'll leave it at the dmesgfor the device page....

It's not "my WG2626 page", it's not "my wiki" and I don't even own these devices. :smiley:

To get the full boot log like that you need to buy a USB-TTL converter that can do both 5 and 3.3 Volt (around 5 euro on ebay/amazon, cheap devices used for Arduino and other things like that), connect RX on TX and TX on RX (or the reverse, it depends on what the labels stand for, there is no risk in swapping them), and GND on GND on the device. DO NOT connect power pin, the USB-TTL dongle is powered by USB already.

Having serial access like that can be useful for devices where the bootloader has no default recovery, as with this serial console you can stop booting and write commands to the bootloader to load manually files from a special shared folder on your PC (it's created by a "TFTP server"), and then flash them manually.
It's also useful if you make mistakes and misconfigure the network so the device becomes inaccessible over the network. Serial console is always available. You can obviously reset the device too, which is how people usually do it on consumer routers.

Since your device's bootloader has a recovery with web interface (even if it is in chinese), you probably don't need to care about serial access.
Also, given how similar the two devices are, they will probably have the same bootloader (same in the sense of same features), so it's not really a big loss if you don't add it in the wiki.

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