LuCI plug in to monitor temperature on a Raspberry Pi 4B

the collected-mod-sensors plug in doesn't show any available data to monitor, thanks

It's been a long time since I played with collected, but do you have lm-sensors or libsensors installed? Here is little script to query the temp from the shell:
temp=$(cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp)
freq=$(sleep 0.1s && cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_cur_freq)
gov=$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_governor)

echo "CPU temp        :  $(( temp / 1000 ))°C"
echo "CPU freq        :  $(bc <<< "scale=0; $freq/1000") MHz @ $vcore ($gov)"
echo "Processor       :  $(grep -m1 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo | sed 's/^.*: //')"

Yes, both of them are installed, I am currently using (as a stop gap) vcgencmd measure_temp to get the current temp, but ideally I need a graph to be able to see trends over time

It's been too long for me... is there some config option for the temp sensor within collected you can use? Maybe someone else can help.

Thank you, yes, I did the setup in LuCI for the sensors

You most likely need collectd-mod-thermal plugin

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Thank you, that was it, quick question, why on my router (GL MT-6000) I use collectd-mod-sensors and with the RPi I have to use collectd-mod-thermal? Should I use thermal on the router as well? Both devices use the ARM64 chipset

=> I would suggest to try out if it works - if yes, you might get rid of the Sensors plugin and its lm-sensors dependenciy to save some space.

Background info:
Thermal plugin relies on sysfs or procfs info

  • on RPi4 this is available out of the box
  • on GL MT-6000 this might work as well (you could check if cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device*/temp returns anything)

Sensors plugin relies on lm-sensors info - i.e. provided via I2C bus - and exposes sensor info like voltage, fanspeed and temperature. However, as far as I know, only thermal info is available in luci stats.

note to others: please correct me if I am wrong with the above

Thank you, Sensors provides the temperature for CPU and each WIFI cards (2.4 and 5GHz), now, I installed Thermal and provides the same information for the CPU temp as Sensors.

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fyi my avg temp on router (RPi CM4) is 50 °C and on access points (EAP615) is 60 °C (ambient temp 24 °C)