LS421 boot issue

Hello all;

I was able to update the ls421 using the openwrt-mvebu-cortexa9-buffalo_ls421de-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin image. I am able to ssh into the unit using, however I am unable to connect to it using java -jar acp_commander_gui_156.jar command. It just doesn't see it. I'm not sure if I missed a step. Any assistance would be helpful. The original scope for me to do this was to simply add NFS. I did Downgrade the firmware to 1.34 version (BUFFALO_BOOTVER=0.13)- previously. Interestingly, I don't see a /boot disk

@Heath, welcome to the community!

What is that?

Are you referring to OpenWrt?

Yes. I'm trying to add additional functionality to the NAS device (NFS). I did put the original drive back in, and was able to get it back to it's original mode of operation. ( Took a copy of the uImage.buffalo.bin) before hand

Please provide answers to my inquires:

Please clearly explain exactly what acp_commander_gui_156.jar is.

  • What version?


Maybe, can you also better explain what you're trying to accomplish?

In OpenWrt you just install the appropriate packages.


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@frollic, thanks!

OK, the OP has a Buffalo LinkStation LS421DE and cannot proceed with the intial install!!!


Perhaps @Heath, you can downgrade...again?

Yup, I gave it another try, using the following guide:

[OpenWrt Wiki] Buffalo LinkStation LS421DE as the manual, seems like it has a problem at step :

cd /tmp
sysupgrade -n openwrt-mvebu-cortexa9-buffalo_ls421de-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin.

I can scp the file up to it and install. It does kick me out of putty session. I can see it reboot. I then used the power button to shut it down. I'm wondering if I should wait longer, then ssh into the unit and do a shutdown, then remove the disk. Then re-power back up?

Hi @Heath, if I understood correctly you successfully completed the step 8:

8. Download the sysupgrade image, and install it:
cd /tmp
sysupgrade -n openwrt-mvebu-cortexa9-buffalo_ls421de-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin

If the sysupgrade command worked then it kicks you out from the session because it reboots the device, this is the correct behavior. And then you completed the installation succesfully.

Snapshots come without Luci web interface, therefore after the installation you will only have access via ssh.

Also be aware that probably inserting a hard drive with a preformatted ext4 partition probably will avoid to load Openwrt. XFS is preferred and tested ok.
