Lower signal since moving to OpenWrt

40/80 = 0.5

The math checks out.

But seriously it’s quite literally using half the bandwidth, so the bitrate is going to be about half as well.

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Yes but it will only affect devices that were using the full 80MHz to begin with. Since this is only available for AC clients, any n clients will be unaffected. Practically speaking this means high end mobile devices and recent laptops will be limited but many phones, tablets, and older laptops will not be affected as they couldn't use the higher speeds anyway.

For many purposes such as video streaming or gaming or surfing, the higher speeds don't matter because the bitrate is fixed well below those speeds. High speeds matter for longer downloads, such as downloading or updating software.

Hi, I have the same router and the same issue, such a shame as Openwrt looks great otherwise, my bog standard Talk Talk hub has much better range and signal... Did you ever find a solution?