Lost the local update options in the admin page : Outdoor (B2338-168)

Firmware crashed
And I lost the local update options in the admin page

Model Name B2338-168
Hardware Version V01
Software Version B2338-168 V100R001C00SPC134 (08/22/2017)

How do I update the device?

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Model Name B2338-168
Hardware Version V01

Ask Huawei, it's their device, and their firmware, but I'd try a hard reset ...

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It's supposed to be like this picture

I have the firmware.
I only lack the middleware so that I can update without resorting to the router page

my answer's still valid though ....

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This is the response of Huawei, the technical support department

Hello friend!

Sorry, friend, this product has reached EOS, so the service cannot be provided. I suggest you use its replacement, the B2366 series.

For details about EOS information, see: EOM/EOS Announcement for huawei B2338-168

Hope this helps!

well, that sucks, seems you've got a new fancy paperweight ...

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I'm thinking of looking for a program to upload the firmware without having to enter the admin page

For example, like the program in the attached picture

See photo

b310s-22 Multicast Upgrade Tool

I hope you find a solution to this big problem,, with thanks and appreciation

I did a factory reset more than once, and the situation is the same

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the last post in the 2nd link def is.

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Sorry dear,

I did not understand anything from the post, how do I do that?

dunno, but you didn't read the last post ...

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The short screen above was the last post

no dude, it wasn't.

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Yes Dear ,,
We can share our experiences to find a solution to this problem, even if it is out of scope

In general, your sincere thanks and appreciation

This is the OpenWrt forum. We help with problems related to OpenWrt.
Your problem does not seem to be related to OpenWrt in any way, therefore, please search help in different forums which are specialized on Huawei devices.
