Looking for info and possibility of (future) support of TP-Link Omada er605 Router

I recommend you take a look at this post by @r5e. He solved this problem modifying some arguments in the original SSH connection script.

I know it. He make a backup with ssh. I use UART. I will test ist again.. Maybe I find a solution..

At least with er7212 you needed kex algorithm, hostkey algorithm and cipher changes?

My file is the same size but nothing inside..
I use the ssh backup but is fast ready.. Mhhmm..
I am at a loss

As the ER605 has a USB port, plugin and mount a USB drive and save the backup there.

Will be nice how I can do this ? Have you some commands for saving mtd3 ?

Hi mounted the USB drive as /dev/sda1

and then ran the following shell script inspired by the regular one.


cat /proc/mtd | tail -n+2 | while read; do
  MTD_DEV=$(echo ${REPLY} | cut -f1 -d:)
  MTD_NAME=$(echo ${REPLY} | cut -f2 -d\")
  echo "Backing up ${MTD_DEV} (${MTD_NAME})"
  dd if=/dev/${MTD_DEV}ro of=/mnt/sda1/backup/${MTD_DEV}_${MTD_NAME}.backup

Thanks.. But I can not write to the usb stick. Is mounted.
dd: can't open '/mnt/sda1/backup/mtd26_database.backup': No such file or directory
and for all other files the same

ilesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 17.0M 17.0M 0 100% /rom
tmpfs 124.1M 4.5M 119.6M 4% /tmp
root 124.1M 1.2M 122.9M 1% /tmp/root
124.1M 1.2M 122.9M 1% /
/dev/mtdblock17 10.1M 880.0K 9.2M 9% /tmp/userconfig
tmpfs 512.0K 0 512.0K 0% /dev
tmpfs 124.1M 4.5M 119.6M 4% /tmp/run/netns
/dev/sda1 14.9G 8.0K 14.9G 0% /mnt/sda1

How did you mount?
Being on the stock fw, use the GUI to mount the USB drive.

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I have changed the usb drive. Now it is running.
And I did a chmod -R 777 /dev/sda1 and also for /mnt/sda1.
I also created a backup directory on the drive

I have installed Openwrt now without problems.
Also a sysupgrade to 23.05.5 is running

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Hi there! I'm still trying to get SSH root access on my ER8411.
Can you please confirm the steps you followed? I'm currently on the latest firmware 1.2.2 and now the debug (via SSH) is requesting an input sign result based on these details:

Sign   String:    US9LALQGMG5QMTZ
Sign   Platform:  TP-LINK_SOHOI_Platform
Please Input Sign Result:

I might need some help here too.. I tried to get access via UART, however I have no output using Baudrate 115200 8N1 3.3V.
I have no expertise in identifying components to be soldered, if needed.
Here's the PCB picture, hope someone can assist/guide me on the next steps to get UART access.

Also, I’ve been able to binwalk the last firmware and found the dropbear script culprit of the MAC/User MD5 sum password check, however did not find any other reference or else that could understand how the debug login works.

R808, R809 are quite suspicious, TP-Link loves this game.

I barely saw them.. do you think it’s safe to temporarily try and solder both pins?

I would measure the voltages on either side of the missing resistor first, and then press rx of your usb2serial adapter on the 3.3V side, to see if you get some output from there.

Voltages might be 3.3V (most of the time) or 1.8V (on some modern ARM SOCs), so better measure first.

Have you tried downgrading the firmware, it worked for the er7212pc

There´s support for USB 3G/4G dongle on OpenWRT for ER605 ?

Yes there is

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