LM-Sensors SNMP Mibs


I am trying to get lm-sensors data to be exported via SNMP but with no lack:

  • I have snmp-mibs package installed, and LM-sensors mib is installed on: /usr/share/snmp/mibs/LM-SENSORS-MIB.txt

  • I have tried to add this to the snmp.conf file with no success: "view systemview included ."

  • Trying to configure collectd snmp-agent was also unsuccessful

  • performing snmpwalk from command line or via app (snmpb is what I am using for this) does not show the lm-sensors tree

  • This command " snmpwalk -v2c -c public localhost LM-SENSORS-MIB::lmFanSensorsTable" produces this output: "LM-SENSORS-MIB::lmFanSensorsTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID"

I am a bit at a loss here, any help would be appreciated
