Linksys OpenWrt wireguard connection fail after router rebot while no internet connection

Hey there,

I'm curious to know why each time the router reboot then the wireguard connection is fail and not restart automatically while there is no internet connection as well?

Any advice or help is much highly appreciated.


The device clock isn't in sync with reality?


What do you mean? Not really understand? How to make it?

Cryptography depends on the valid time (at least reasonably close to it), but most classic routers don't have a battery backed RTC, which would keep the time over a reboot - they depend on the network (ntp) to acquire a sense of time.

There are ways to 'help' (as in setting the time to the last file mtime under /etc/), but without a battery backed RTC, that's the best you can get (in other words, you won't get to see this problem on x86_64).


Make sure the clock is running correctly before you attempt to start the tunnel.

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Okay. I'll try it. Btw, thanks :blush:

Yes, its working after the router reboot or power on/off the plug.

Thanks so much for your kindness help :blush:

While I now use a Mini PC as a router, I had a lot of trouble with my previous routers because of lost time.
I use Wireguard (as a client to a VPN provider) and PBR.

I had to somehow force time sync through rc.local

# Put your custom commands here that should be executed once
# the system init finished. By default this file does nothing.

ntpd -d -n -q -N -I wan -p -p
sleep 6
ntpd -d -n -q -N -I wan -p -p

exit 0

These are the IP address of a few NTP servers. And I had to use the IP because there could be no DNS available at that moment while the VPN is going be established.

For this to work, it was also necessary to add static route to theses addresses to avoid the (not started yet) VPN (in \etc\config\network).

config route
	option interface 'wan'
	option target ''
	option gateway ''

config route
	option interface 'wan'
	option target ''
	option gateway ''

config route
	option interface 'wan'
	option target ''
	option gateway ''

config route
	option interface 'wan'
	option target ''
	option gateway ''


You mean in order to work command to the system:

ntpd -d -n -q -N -I wan -p -p
sleep 6
ntpd -d -n -q -N -I wan -p -p

exit 0

then config the network setting on the following:

config route
	option interface 'wan'
	option target ''
	option gateway ''

config route
	option interface 'wan'
	option target ''
	option gateway ''

config route
	option interface 'wan'
	option target ''
	option gateway ''

config route
	option interface 'wan'
	option target ''
	option gateway ''
