Linksys/cisco wrt 160nl flashed with 18.06.2 install version - device rebooting permanently

Try follow steps:

  • Download factory linksys firmware, rename to code.bin & copy to same tftp folder.
  • Set your pc static ip is
  • Connect pc to a switch by ethernet cable, connect switch to router lan port by another ethernet cable.
  • Run tftp-client program example tftpd32 by Jounin, on tftp client tab: host port 69, local file -> browse to code.bin file & click to Put.
  • Power on router, it should flash.

Thx - maintaining, of course, serial connection - needed fto transfer fw file to router?

In this way, the serial connection is only used for monitor/debugging.

Ok - not necessary but not useless either

There is a suitable TFTP client (tftp on the command line) shipped with Windows 10, but you have to enable it with Add/Remove Windows Features.