I am running in an issue that might be a bug.
I have tried several times.
When changing the LAN IP from default to a custom, it constantly roll back to default.
I have reset the DAP a few times and I have the same result using Luci.
If I modify the /etc/config network and modify the config interface 'lan' accordingly, than my new IP is set for the LAN.
for those with more expertise: am I doing something wrong or there is a bug here?
I run other openwrt devices and the procedure always worked.
Openwrt version: openwrt-21.02.1-ath79-generic-dlink_dap-2695-a1-squashfs-factory
There's usually a timeout, and a 2nd popup when changing the subnet, saying something like Apply unchecked.
actually out of the few test I made, only one time I saw that popup!
I will look at it again as I had reset it again.
modifying the network config file there seems not to be any issues
doing it using vi or uci shouldn't make any differance.
I confirm that the the " Apply unchecked " do not show up anymore.
Moreover, almost any change I want to do is not applied.
It is now complicated to use Luci and I dont have enough knowledge to use CLI for all changes I need to do.
Do we have some experience with DAP-2695?
I really would love to use this device.
I kind of running out of options... Any idea?
do you know where I can download previews version (19) ?
I want to test is V. 19.x works better in applying changes.
uci set network.lan.ipaddr='aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd'
uci commit network
/etc/init.d/network restart
Turned out the change of IP is not the only issues.
I am configuring a dumb AP and all changes and vlans I create to match the main router, dont get committed and roll back with no option of apply anyway!
I found the FW selector. Really nicely made from openwrt. I will apply and see if it de-block the all issue after re-ugrading to latest again.
Create a new SSID for management and connect to this wifi SSID to perform the changes. This way your connection will not be affected by vlan or other interface changes.
you mean that by creating a new SSID and do all needed configuration using that management SSID, should solve my problem and be able to apply all needed configuration without the non-commitment issue?
As soon as I can I will try.
I find this workaround quite interesting..
will certainly check it out