as well as all commits form 23.05 OpenWrt branch considering the date Kong rebased his repo on.
but same kernel version
Normal, it is the stable release 23.05, the kernel is not updated every days
Does one know if the new build fixes the DNAT / hairpin issue?
I have an EA8500 on Kong NSS 23.05.
$ uname -a
Linux LinksysEA8500 5.15.167 #0 SMP Sat Oct 12 22:31:38 2024 armv7l GNU/Linux
$ opkg list |grep -i kernel
kernel - 5.15.167-1-c8510b324d16d71d99b40d52286f64c8
I use adguardhome so I compiled the package with openwrt 23.05 SDK. When I transfer the ipk to router /tmp and issue opkg install /tmp/ it complains of not enough disk space
$ opkg install /tmp/adguardhome_0.107.46-1_a
Installing adguardhome (0.107.46-1) to root...
Collected errors:
* verify_pkg_installable: Only have 6296kb available on filesystem /overlay, pkg adguardhome needs 9944
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package adguardhome.
Is kong's NSS branch image builder available so I can integrate adguardhome to firmware image? I tried openwrt 23.05 image builder but with kong's packages from here there is a missmatch between openwrt kernel and kong's.
It would be great if kong adds adguardhome to the firmware.
Kong's builds are already loaded to almost the max so even if there would be space it will diminish the space to load other packages.
For me Adguard home is too bloated anyway, HTTPS-DNS proxy and Adblock are sufficient for my needs
But you can always build yourself (I do that) but stripped out some packages from Kongs build I do not need, so my build is 2 MB smaller than Kongs build:slight_smile:
I would build myself if kong's image builder is not available. image builder saves a lot of time and good for playing around
I doubt Kong has an image builder for his builds.
Self compiling is not very difficult just follow the general build instructions but use Kongs repo
but use Kongs repo
Does he maintain a github repo?
(Edit: is it this one?
or you mean copy config.buildinfo and feeds.buildinfo then build with make
$ mv -v config.buildinfo .config
$ cat feeds.buildinfo > feeds.conf.default
$ make V=s -j($nproc)
Yes you can build with cloning his github repo and then adapting the config to suit your needs.
something like:
git clone
cd openwrt
git pull
git switch openwrt-23.05-nss-qsdk11
Hi, have you tested the new build? If so, does the DNAT / hairpin problem (promiscuous mode) still exist?
Best regards, Nico
No didn't test it yet as I need a stable situation right now. Might do it on the next build.
The promiscuous mode for DNAT / hairpin will not work unless Kong fixes/patches it. I don't see any such recent commit in his repo. If you want the working version, you need to fall back to the older ACwifidude's images.
Ok thank you for checking. I am on the acwifidude build rn.