Keep custom settings in OpenWrt after reset

Good afternoon friends....

I'm 3 weeks trying to set up a router using OpenWRT.
I made the default installation (pre-configured package from OWRT) on a TP-Link WR740N, it was normal ... set it up, it worked .... 100%.

But when I press the reset button, it loses the settings .... I need it to always return the settings I edited the first time. As if my setting is Factory Default.
I entered the OWRT Website and did what he asks, but I can not, it always comes back to the OWRT standard and not mine.

Can someone give me a light?
Something must be wrong.

Thank you in advance for the attention of your friends.

If I understand correctly, it appears you hit the "reset" button, and loose your settings.

Do not use the reset button to reboot the router. Depending on model and length of time you hold the button, this may be NORMAL BEHAVIOUR

If you simply wish to reboot, do so from LuCI - or by using the command:


To save your settings, you need a copy of your /etc folder. You can easily get this archive in LuCI Under "Backup/Flash Firmware" Menu.

The only way to do this is to compile and flash a custom version of the firmware using your configuration files. That makes it "your factory default firmware." Others may have information about altering the partition in some way, I'm not sure about that - and wouldn't suggest it unless you have more information.

What were you told to do there??? Do you have a link or quote of the instructions?? It may be best to complete your inquiry there.

Are you having other issues preventing a normal restart of the router?

Well, my client does not know that he can not hit the reset button, but if he presses it, he needs to come back with my settings and not the LEDE settings.

Remove the "jffs2reset" command in /etc/rc.button/reset, so that either a short press or a long press simply reboots.

Of course this means no one can reset to factory using the button, though failsafe should still work.

To make a firmware with your settings as the defaults, first set up your settings and save them, then extract that tarfile into the files/ directory of Image Builder of the same version you were running, and build an image. There is a serious risk of making a brick this way. Know how to do serial or tftp recovery.

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