It does not allow me to install the original firmware on TL-WA850RE V2

It doesn't let me install it.
How do I install it?
I am not a computer genius. Just normal
Is there a simple procedure?

How do I install your built firmware or original firmware? I can't do it from the web page of th repeater

Install what?!!! you want to install Openwrt or just revert to the TP stock firmware?

check it out

Which device and firmware version do you use?!

I have just installed Openwrt but it does not save the changes.

I want to revert to stock firmware or install the stripped version.


I just stripped TP original firmware according to this command (dd if=orig.bin of=tplink.bin skip=257 bs=512)

You can use TFTP method or the safer method using sysupgrade:

sysupgrade /tmp/tplink.bin

Or you use the mtd method:

mtd -r write /tmp/tplink.bin firmware

if you want to use the safer method just rename tp_recovery.bin to tplink.bin
that's it
Let me know
Good luck

Just one more question. How do I transfer these files to the repeater directory /tmp?

Download and install Winscp on your computer then start it. You get the dialogue for Login. Fill it as the following:

Protocol: SCP
Host name : Your router's LAN IP (same as what you use for PuTTy)
Port number : leave it as 22
User name : Your router's user name (same as what you use for PuTTy)
Password : Your router's password (same as what you use for PuTTy)

I get this error.

Image metadata not found
Invalid image type.
Image check 'platform_check_image' failed.

ِDefenately you did do something wrong

I tested it on My Archer C20 and updated OpenWRT with this command (sysupgrade /tmp/tplink.bin)
Did you copy and paste tplink.bin into tmp?
why don't you try to upload firmware via web interface?is the LUCI installed before?!

I used the -F option in sysupgrade and I think i bricked the 850re.

Now, the lights alternate between one light and after 3 seconds turn on all lights. It does not respond to the address 192,168.1.1.

it's easy to bring it back to openwrt via tftp

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