Issues appending correct values to the tail end of the DIR-810l sysupgrade firmware image inorder to flash via the WEB GUI

Issues appending correct values to the tail end of the DIR-810l sysupgrade firmware image

Hi there, I'm trying to flash the latest OpenWRT stable release "23.05.4" to a D-Link DIR-810L A1 consumer router via the D-Link web gui on initial stock firmware version "1.01B04"

Official Firmware: ""

OpenWRT Firmware: ""

Wikidev article for 810L A1: ""

I'm following the command found in the OpenWRT Wiki page for the DIR-810L,


Example Command: ./ncc_att_hwid -f /tmp/openwrt-15.05-ramips-mt7620-dir-810l-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin -m "DIR-810L" -H "B1" -r "WW" -c "1.0" -F "2.03b02" -a

Instead of downloading the entire D-Link SDK and toolchain/firmware blob I pulled down the tool "ncc_att_hwid" from the dd-wrt repo,

Apparently, it includes the binary blob needed according to this post on the archived forum,


on Arch Linux I run the suggested command, but adjusted the hardware version value to A1 and the release version number for 1.02B22 which is the next release after stock, I also tried using the final release as a value "1.03B01".

./ncc_att_hwid -f ~/Downloads/openwrt-23.05.4-ramips-mt7620-dlink_dir-810l-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin -m "DIR-810L" -H "A1" -r "WW" -c "1.0" -F "1.03b01" -a

The D-Link DIR-810L A1 is still complaining that the file is incorrect.

Any idea what I'm missing?

The tool outputs that it changed the tail end of the firmware image, and I can see the file modify time has changed.

Output: append length: 36 checksum=0x58507074 checksum=0x0

Any help would be greatly appreciated.