Issue where windows11 pc connected to openwrt router cannot connect to vpn like pptp, l2tp etc

issue where windows11 pc connected to openwrt router cannot connect to vpn like pptp, l2tp etc

The router is a CMCC RAX3000M model, with the following firmware version:OpenWrt 23.05.4 r24012-d8dd03c46f / LuCI openwrt-23.05 branch git-24.086.45142-09d5a38

The test environment is windows11 connected by LAN (I also tested it in wireless environment but it is the same).

I tried to connect to a Synology VPN server, but all protocols failed, including PPTP and L2TP.

I opened the GRE protocol and the 1723 port firewall, but I still can't connect to the VPN server at my home.

Attached is the event log for Windows 11 below.
I was able to connect to the VPN from my desktop through all the routers I have (asus, iptime), but only in open wrt environment I am unable to connect to synology vpn server.

Title: PPTP VPN Connection Failure - Error Codes 619 and 829


I'm experiencing issues establishing a PPTP VPN connection to my OpenWRT router. The Windows Event Viewer shows the following errors:

Event Log 1:

Log Name:      Application
Source:        RasClient
Date:          2024-08-28 PM 5:43:54
Event ID:      20227
Task Category: None
Level:         Error
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      APP01
CoId={016ABAC6-F91C-0006-F592-8B011CF9DA01}: The user APP01\m3 dialed a connection named pptp which has failed. The error code returned on failure is 619.

content_copyUse code with caution.

Event Log 2:

Log Name:      Application
Source:        RasClient
Date:          2024-08-28 PM 5:43:54
Event ID:      20291
Task Category: None
Level:         Information
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      APP01
pptp has encountered an error.

content_copyUse code with caution.

Event Log 3:

Log Name:      Application
Source:        RasClient
Date:          2024-08-28 PM 5:43:54
Event ID:      20226
Task Category: None
Level:         Information
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      APP01
CoId={016ABAC6-F91C-0006-F592-8B011CF9DA01}: The user APP01\m3 dialed a connection named pptp which has terminated. The reason code returned on termination is 829.

content_copyUse code with caution.

Event Log 4 - 7: (These logs show the connection initiation attempts and details, which were already analyzed in previous responses.)

Troubleshooting Steps Taken:

  • Confirmed PPTP Passthrough is enabled on OpenWRT.

  • Verified necessary firewall rules for PPTP (TCP 1723, GRE protocol 47) are in place.

  • Checked VPN server IP address and credentials.

  • Ensured no network connectivity issues between the server and client.


Despite these steps, the VPN connection still fails with error codes 619 and 829.

you need to install the nat helpers

opkg update 
opkg install kmod-nf-nathelper-extra

not sure if it's still needed to run but I have old notes for

echo "net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_helper = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.d/local.conf
/etc/init.d/sysctl restart
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It won't help much because (despite the package info) nf_conntrack_proto_gre and nf_nat_proto_gre are no longer part of kmod-nf-nathelper-extra.

However, with l2tp there should be no problem.

well I could not connect to PPTP without it V23.05.2

The question is, can you connect after installing it, because as I said, proto_gre is no longer included in the package.

It was required earlier this year for V23.05.2 to connect to a PPTP connection
I can not test this as PPTP it's no longer in use as of last month
so didn't bother after upgrade to V23.05.4
no I didn't use V23.05.3 I went from .2 to .4

I followed your instructions and got a perfect PPTP connection. Thank you so much.
The package was already installed, but the PPTP connection was established immediately after the command.

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