Issue configuring keepalived(vrrp), need help!

I really need help with a networking issue that I am facing.

I would like to have a way to transfer "all instances" of keepalived interactive message between the MASTER and BACKUP nodes via a single link.

For example, since I use track_script to detect (ping on a WAN port, if the ping fails to reach, it will trigger weight reduction and WAN port state switching, but because the keepalived interaction information only exists on the WAN port, Then after the status of the WAN interface is switched, the BACKUP node will not be able to obtain this information. I hope the status information of the WAN port can be transferred to the BACKUP node through a other link.

I have attempted to create an additional "vrrp_instance LAN" with the intention of using it to transfer all instances of keepalived information. However, I have found that each port only transfers its own keepalived information through itself to the BACKUP node, and does not carry the keepalived information of other interfaces

***MASTER node configuration***
! Configuration File for keepalived

global_defs {
   router_id   Openwrt_1

vrrp_script check_wan {
   script "/etc/keepalived/"
   interval 4
   fall 2
   weight -10

vrrp_instance WANa {
   interface eth1
   state MASTER
   virtual_router_id 51
   priority 101
   advert_int 1
   authentication {
      auth_type PASS
      auth_pass 1111
   virtual_ipaddress { dev eth1
   track_script {

vrrp_instance WANb {
   interface eth2
   state MASTER
   virtual_router_id 52
   priority 101
   advert_int 1
   authentication {
      auth_type PASS
      auth_pass 1111
   virtual_ipaddress { dev eth2
   track_script {

vrrp_instance LAN {
   interface eth3
   state MASTER
   virtual_router_id 53
   priority 101
   advert_int 1
   authentication {
      auth_type PASS
      auth_pass 1111
   virtual_ipaddress { dev eth3