Is there a good way to merge config at upgrade or boot up?

Hi Masters,

I'm going to check if there is a good way to merge config at upgrade or boot up.
For example, at firmware A, we already have following fstab.

config mount
        option device '/dev/mmcblk0p1'
        option target '/mnt'
        option enabled '1'

When we upgrade firmware B from A, we would like to have following fstab.

config mount
        option device '/dev/mmcblk0p1'
        option target '/mnt/media'
        option enabled '1'

You can see, we would like to upgrade the options at config, too.

So far, I know uci-default can help me to modify each options we need at first boot.
But, I would like to have a common way to merge config instead of uci-default.

For example, the common way like that system boot up will loading fstab from B and merge fstab from overlay(firmware A).

Please help. Thanks a lot.

After using uci merge, looks like almost there.
Anyone has experience about how to remove duplicated list?
Thanks a lot.