Is it possible to connect to a remote vpn and also have your own vpn server

I just got nordvpn running on my router (with the excellent help from the nordvpn folks) but it is confilcting with my vpn server that openwrt is running.
When the server is running and I connect the remote vpn, I cannot get out of my network. When the remote vpn is connected, I cannot start my server.

My openvpn server provides a way for me to connect to the house when I am away. I can remotely access my servers.

I found this article: but I am not sure what to to replace in the values with.

And what's your VPN server doing?

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Yes, you need to define how you want them to work together first. Then "it's just a little routing magic" to achieve those goals.

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My openvpn server provides a way for me to connect to the house when I am away. I can remotely access my servers. Sorry I wasn't trying to be smart, I just realized that you were asking about errors...

When the server is running and I connect the remote vpn, I cannot get out of my network. When the remote vpn is connected, I cannot start my server.

can you help me with this?

I'm guessing that the "problem" is that connections returning from your server end up getting routed through your remote VPN, which confuses the remote VPN client. Packets go to for your inbound VPN, but come back with the IP address of your remote VPN,

I think that to make this work, you need to "exempt" your local VPN server's traffic from your remote VPN. This is often called source-based routing, which others here have much more experience with under OpenWrt than I do.