IPv6, SLAAC, DHPv6 and Port Forward

Huh, that's odd, but thanks for letting me know. I feel like I might need to have two sub-domains with AAAA records pointing to my Router and the other to my Desktop?

Also, I've just rebooted my Router and deleted my Wireguard Traffic Rule as well as the Port Forward but for some reason my Wireguard clients can still access it. How is that possible? Does it possibly auto-configure the ports when setting up the interface?

EDIT: Okay I found out the issue was this.

Left it disabled and it no longer accepts any Wireguard traffic.

I've been setting this up in an attempt to have IPv6 access through my Wireguard tunnel with Selective IPv6 NAT.

But that didn't seem to work.

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to cross-reference another post...

I guess maybe you would've witnessed how my wg0 interface was using a ULA address... but with how many threads there are regarding setting up Wireguard with IPv6 access and so many NAT options which people try I'm puzzled as to how to get my things sorted...