Ipq806x NSS build (Netgear R7800 / TP-Link C2600 / Linksys EA8500)

I dont think Kong's repo is up to date..

Why not?
I see this

kernel is 5.15.167
Additionally I add some updated packages (ksmbd, zerotier, pbr and others) from the main branch on top of Kong's repo and then compile.

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Kong build is more up to date it seems. I tried it, but has a flaw currently with the DNAT / hairpinning. It seems it's caused by a not proper working promisc mode. Would be great if this build will get updates eventually, but the last version works great.

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Noob question: is any using the C2600 as dumb AP, and configured VLAN, in the main router where DSA + VLAN is configured and seeing issues in dumb AP with WIFI clients not getting DHCP or any way to "see" the other members in the network ? Wired clients all are working fine, checked untagging physical ports on each vlan and getting IP, and seeing the other servers in the network. Only wifi clients have issues. Correct interface configured in the wifi ssid settings. Even if setting manually IP on correct subnet, and still no dice. tried different configurations in the dumb AP, bridging the software vlan, or just leaving the vlan in the interface, promiscous mode, and other, nothing works :(( sorry if this has already been discussed or I am an idiot.

Also, is there any C2600 firmware with DSA implemented ? Have changed between @ACwifidude @Kong and official builds, but none have implemented DSA, not sure if it would make any difference to my case but willing to try.

If you meant DSA with NSS also included, no.

@Warlock what about DSA without NSS ? The official openwrt build is still using swconfig.
Also any idea of what could be the issue with wifi/wlan clients in my scenario ?

Hello everyone i hope you're find, i try a few things on this firmware but i think i miss something with the config, can somebody help me? i have ftth conection and xr500=r7800
i see for this firmware we can use a script for the config and the luci sqm doesn't not work very well
then i config :

nano /etc/rc.local

when i config it and reboot the modem i obtain this

tc -s qdisc

apprently the config works but when im going into the sqm nothings happens

cat /etc/config/sqm
should i to config manually the sqm ?

we are agree its not sufficient for config sqm i had to do it manually on /etc/config/sqm or with the luci interface. i see on the forum with luci isnt good and i read the only way to do that is with the script
im loss a this point what can i do more

i test something on the sqm

but we cannot install this, shloud i go on kong fimware i remeber i doesnt have
this error on that

and i try to choose nssifb but it doesn't exist apparently

if somebody can help me it wil be cool

WXR-2533DHP is included on this? it also has Qualcomm Atheros IPQ8064

At least on my build you can configure nss qos in the webif under sqm:

Just select fq_codel and nss-rk.qos

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I gave it a quick try a few days ago, maybe I'm doing something different, but I have no issue connecting to routers ssh to its wan ip from client inside lan that are wired or wireless. Do you have an additional forwarding set to an internal machine that you are trying to reach?

Hello. Anyone using C2600 ? I've recently moved from the 22.x to 23.05 builds -based on ACwifidude's repo, however also tested the Kong's build.
With the Kong's build I have reboot ~ 2h. ACwifidude's based custom build randomly between few min up to 1day.
Seems that the reboot is caused by the NSS core fail + tc enabled. The latest stable state was when the nss module was loaded but not used (the tc config was disabled).

Any one had some troubled similar to my? It's better to use master? Any hints?

thx for the responses, and also have questions, i just downloaded you're latest firmware 24.10 but i didnt see nss features, will it comes in the futures ?
btw i see some bug on 24.10, when i applied sqm like 140mbps some jitter appears on the upload then we dont have jiitter with no sqm and no jitter on 23.05

Read the topic... Won't happen. Changes made to the openwrt core (especially the movement to DSA) breaks many things.

hello, i see something not normal, when im on kong nss firmware i can't acces to my isp modem, but when i uses the default nss i can access to my isp modem ,
changes make between the two version probably cause this

How did you configure this? I can access my modem just fine. My modem has ip and I have an additional interface on wan interface configured on the router, that's it