Ipq806x NSS build (Netgear R7800 / TP-Link C2600 / Linksys EA8500)

No issues here, but I'll remove the link anyways.

I haven't flashed Kong's builds for quite some time now, so I tried his latest build and results were perfect, clean logs, performance and latency are identical. He's also including qosmio's forked qos script, wifi range is better (same settings). The key here are nss kernel refreshed patches, that explains such clean logs. He posted a few weeks ago that he's running nss bulds with all his ipq806x devices, meaning properly tested stable builds.
So, I would recommend to everyone to stick with kong bulds, maybe @KONG could also add qam-256 support.

The only issue was that I had to edit bootcount to set rmem and wmem, it runs last so it overrides whatever I set in rc.local (dnsproxy).

  _______                     ________        __
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 |_______||   __|_____|__|__||________||__|  |____|
          |__| W I R E L E S S   F R E E D O M
 KONG 23, r0+23920-af78dfb207
root@OpenWrt:~# opkg list-installed | grep qca-
kmod-qca-mcs - 5.15.158+2022-03-16-dd8a438-1
kmod-qca-nss-drv - 5.15.158+2020-03-20-3cfb9f43-1
kmod-qca-nss-drv-igs - 5.15.158+2020-10-29-ef082a73-2
kmod-qca-nss-drv-l2tpv2 - 5.15.158+2020-10-29-ef082a73-2
kmod-qca-nss-drv-netlink - 5.15.158+2020-10-29-ef082a73-2
kmod-qca-nss-drv-pppoe - 5.15.158+2020-10-29-ef082a73-2
kmod-qca-nss-drv-qdisc - 5.15.158+2020-10-29-ef082a73-2
kmod-qca-nss-drv-tunipip6 - 5.15.158+2020-10-29-ef082a73-2
kmod-qca-nss-ecm-standard - 5.15.158+2023-01-20-db66c47-1
kmod-qca-nss-gmac - 5.15.158+2021-04-20-17176794-1
root@OpenWrt:~# lsmod | grep nss
ip6_tunnel             32768  2 qca_nss_tunipip6,ip6_gre
nss_ifb                16384  0
ppp_generic            36864  7 ecm,pptp,ppp_async,qca_nss_pppoe,pppoe,pppox,qca_nss_l2tpv2
pppoe                  24576  2 ecm,qca_nss_pppoe
qca_nss_drv           397312  7 nss_ifb,ecm,mac80211,qca_nss_tunipip6,qca_nss_qdisc,qca_nss_pppoe,qca_nss_l2tpv2
qca_nss_gmac           61440  1 qca_nss_drv
qca_nss_l2tpv2         20480  0
qca_nss_pppoe          16384  0
qca_nss_qdisc          61440  5
qca_nss_tunipip6       16384  0
root@OpenWrt:~# cat /sys/kernel/debug/qca-nss-drv/stats/virt_if
if_num 29 stats start:

rx_packets = 4424138
rx_bytes = 1768220740
rx_dropped = 0
tx_packets = 9637
tx_bytes = 4998283
tx_enqueue_failed = 0
shaper_enqueue_failed = 0
ocm_alloc_failed = 0
if_num 29 stats end:

if_num 33 stats start:

rx_packets = 5644
rx_bytes = 6174989
rx_dropped = 0
tx_packets = 10437
tx_bytes = 2124606
tx_enqueue_failed = 0
shaper_enqueue_failed = 0
ocm_alloc_failed = 0
if_num 33 stats end:

if_num 37 stats start:

rx_packets = 595
rx_bytes = 332808
rx_dropped = 0
tx_packets = 903
tx_bytes = 236432
tx_enqueue_failed = 0
shaper_enqueue_failed = 0
ocm_alloc_failed = 0
if_num 37 stats end:

base node stats begin (shown on if_num 37):

active_interfaces = 6
ocm_alloc_failed = 0
ddr_alloc_failed = 0
base node stats end.


OpenWrt 23.05-SNAPSHOT, r23927-4028eb8289

Bufferbloat and Internet Speed Test - Waveform