IPQ5018: GLiNET B3000 info

Here is the original bins I started with

ipq5018 -->https://github.com/Telecominfraproject/wlan-ap/blob/7d336070d7b689cf2cffaa1c0eb269d8f310487e/feeds/ipq807x_v5.4/ath11k-wifi/board-gl-b3000.bin.IPQ5018

ipq6122 -->https://github.com/Telecominfraproject/wlan-ap/blob/7d336070d7b689cf2cffaa1c0eb269d8f310487e/feeds/ipq807x_v5.4/ath11k-wifi/board-gl-b3000.bin.QCN6122

I've been trying to make sense of the process, from what you said here

but i am still failing to grasp the entire procedure.

where did you extratct it from ?

seems pretty straight forward, same goes for steps 2 3 4 and 6

I am assume your using this tool to achieve this ?

I guess the biggest piece I am missing is where to extract the stock bdwlan.bin ?