I have a Linksys WRT3200/ACM with OpenWRT 19.07.3. It has been working for over 4 years but I bought an iRobot and found that it could not login. This seemed to be related to bugs in the authentication so I purchased a used, identical router and set it up with 23.05.3 and swapped them Since then my iRobot works, but my iPhone and iPad (Version 17.6.1) have stopped working.
I saw here sombody suggested setting security to WPA2-PSK only. This did not help. I then tried all settings using WPA2-PSK or better. None of them worked with iDevices. My Linux systems, Macs, smart home devices, streaming devices, etc. all work fine on any of these.
Is there something special I need to set to support iDevices? Short of running both routers for different networks, anything else to try?