"ip rule add sport" can not work as expected

ip-full package has been installed

ip rule add sport 38123 dport 34000 table 108 pref 108
ip rule list pref 108

108:    from all lookup 108

There are no sport and dport options for IP rule. You'll need to resort to an fwmark match together with an accompanying iptables rule which tags the traffic with a given fwmark, depending on the source and dest port.


ip rule { add | del } SELECTOR ACTION
SELECTOR := ... [ sport [ NUMBER | NUMBER - NUMBER ] ] [ dport [ NUMBER | NUMBER - NUMBER ] ]

Sorry, my fault then. At least with iproute2 4.14.1 on debian, SELECTOR := [ not ] [ from PREFIX ] [ to PREFIX ] [ tos TOS ] [ fwmark FWMARK[/MASK] ] in both help an man page outputs.

Also, the underlying FRA_SPORT_RANGE and FRA_DPORT_RANGE netlink attributes are only supported with kernel 4.17 and later.


Thanks. so the problem is, the iproute2 package (4.18.0) has port match support already, but the current kernel has not supported yet.

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