Installing OpenWrt on TP-Link WR849N v5 & v6

can you please post a link to TP-Link WR849N v5 openwrt firmware?

There is no v5 listed in the Table of Hardware - it appears unsupported.

Please consider opening a new thread in the future.

You may want to directly message @schara to ask what images he used.

So, you are able to create a OpenWRT firmware image for the TL-WR849N v6? Can you post it? I'm from Brazil too and the OEM firmware is terrible.
I'm afraid of trying doing some custom image and ends bricking my router.
Thank you for the help!

I sent the image, but I do not know if it reached you. It seems that as I sent from another address it was not posted. Do you still want the image?


Yes, I am active, but I do not read it everyday. I do not know how to post a file here.


I put three files on this folder

tp_recovery.bin_v5 and v6 allow you to upload an image via TFPT, your computer should have the address, and hava a TFTP server installed. Rename the file to tp_recovery.bin.

The openwrt file allows you to update to an image with LUCI (v5 only, will post v6 on demand).

Remember that for a v5 I am using a wr840v5 image, build with image builder, excluding some packages so there space left over to make a writable filesystem. The tp_recovery.bin files includes the bootloader (for v5 and v6).


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I will answer in English and Portuguese. Please bear with me.

The tp_recovery.bin image is a openwrt image plus the bootloader, suitable for installing via tftp, as this is the easiest method to install the image. Once this image is installed you can create others, copy over and install via sysupgrade. To install via TFTP you need to install a tftp server on your computer, set the address on the computer to and turn on the router with the reset button pressed. Your computer should be connected to one of the LAN (yellow) ports on the router. You will see the led flashing rapidly as the image is transferred. DO NOT TURN OFF THE ROUTER. Change the address on your PC to and ping Once it starts pinging you can turn off the router.


Esta já é a imagem do openwrt para você instalar via TFTP. siga as intruções acima (coloque um servidor tftp no seu computador, coloque seu computador no endereço, ligue o 849 com o botão de reset apertado). Pronto, o openwrt está instalado. Aí você pode fazer o que quiser com ele, inclusive instalar outra imagem, se bem que para o 849v6 ainda não tem imagem oficial. Eu vou por a minha lá quando tiver tempo.


After some tweeking on the GPL files I was able to compile the bootloader for the WR849v6 - not that I needed it. Now there is also an image on TP-Link´s web site, so you can also get a bootloader from there if you want to experiment.

Unfortunately, it seems that v5 was better. All units I have have 64MB of RAM, while all v6 have only 32MB of RAM. In fact, this was why it took me a while to get a workable version, I copied the files from the WR840v5 and did not change the amount of available memory - so it would boot but then panic when accessing memory that wasn´t there.


I get it. All the routers have the TFTP client by default, So I can install the image using a TFTP server on my PC, right?
Does the 849v6 image on Google Drive have the memory access issue?

Portuguese: =P

Entendi. Então todos os roteadores, por padrão, já tem um cliente TFTP instalado, o qual posso acessar ligando o roteador com o botão reset pressionado. Usando o servidor TFTP instalado no PC, eu posso transferir a imagem para o roteador.
A imagem do 849v6 que você postou no Google drive ainda tem o problema de memória ou está corrigido?

Muito obrigado pela ajuda!!!!
Thanks for the help!!!

Hello @schara thanks for posting this initial support for this model.

According to the dmesg you posted the v6 (and probably the v5) it seem to have kept the same CPU as v4 ( so it shouldn't take much to get v5 and v6 officially supported too.

The fact it drops RAM size from version v5 to v6 I don't think it should be and issue. Perhaps a bit of stability testing with the 32MB version may be necessary to find out.

Are you able to put anything that is necessary for a pull request and make it go into the OpenWrt tree?

Yes, the bootloader has a tftp client that runs when you boot the AP with one button pressed. You can use wireshark to see the request. It contains the target address and filename.

The v6 image is the one I am using, and it seems fine.


As I have never done it before I do not know what it entails, but if there is a manual I can do it, just point me to the docs.


Hello @schara I am putting below two URLs with instructions on how to submit a patch to the developers. You have to use GitHub. Check if it's ok to follow this and let us know. It will be good to have this router model on the official tree.

the image didnt reached me but i've downloaded from google drive. From the link you posted below. thank you very much!

how can I return from this openwrt firmware to stock firmware?

and I'm having troubles installing luci it says that I dont have space enough on the device. how can solve this problem?

Hello @schara
Did you manage to prepare stuff to send a pull request for this router ? It's a very common one over here and I see a lot of benefit to have it in the tree. As you made it work already it shouldn't take make to include in the tree.
There are also some interesting customization that can be done for this router to be used in ISPs as well.

To return to stock firmware there are two different paths. You can get the original image from TP-Link website, strip header and bootloader and update via sysupgrade or strip header and update via tftp.


Depending on your version, I think I put a sysupgrade image that included luci, but otherwise you have to build your own, see answer below.


@ffredy I have a bit of backlog of urgent tasks, so I did not get around to it yet, but I plan to do that tomorrow at the latest.


Cool, let us know.
Once we are able to build ourselves we can provide further feedback.