Installing LEDE (OpenWrt) on UAP LR v2 or UAP AC LR

Hi guys,

It would be really useful to know if someone managed to flash LEDE (OpenWrt) on:

UAP LR v2 (firmware 3.7.* and above)
UAP AC LR (firmware 3.7.* and above)

I've read all INTERNET already, and as far as I know Ubnt added a protection when you are trying to flash the own firmware with LEDE or OpenWRT. It look like this:

If someone know the solution, please share it with us.



Yes, I was able to using the instructions from the OpenWRT page.

Short answer:
upload sysupgrade image to /tmp/firmware.bin
SSH into the device and run the following two commands

# mtd write /tmp/firmware.bin kernel0
# mtd write /tmp/firmware.bin kernel1

(Yes, it looks a little weird, but you need to flash the same image to both kernel0 and kernel1)