Installation on SD Card for Raspb. Pi 4: Did I kill the card?

Thanks a lot for your clarification. Ok, so config-change belongs to the theme activating wifi properly, then.

As for OpenWRT on Raspi 4B, I was originally asking for suggestions here:

and Raspi4B was one of the recommendations. I could have picked up a "normal" router but I heard the name "Raspberry pi" somewhere and I thought I might give it a try. Then followed pretty much what these folks said, except that I went straight with a managed switch with PoE to make the port Wan/Lan instead of using USB-Ethernet adapter and USB-C power adapter. I watched this video and learned how to configure the port for wan/lan. (But I had luci from the beginning.)

So far it's going well. I have all my vlans I want.

I hope my SD card is not going to burn out... but if that's an obvious problem, these folks would have told me so, and a very specific kind of SD card was suggested, I think it was chosen so that it wont burn out. I am planning on learning to install Unifi Controller on the top of OpenWRT and that comes with saving log files. Using Raspi for Unifi Controller as such (I mean just the controller as the only thing to install) is commonly done, so I suppose it's not going to burn the SD card out.... ?