Installation of Openwrt in the D-Link DAP-1325-A1

Hi everyone!
I would like to do a first installation of Openwrt in the DAP-1325 A1, but the guide seems incomplete to me, with the FileSafe procedure they have entered the Recovery mode page, but now which firmware should I load? I only find the Kernel and the sysupgrade.
Can you help me?


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Search is a cool feature..

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Were you able to flash post this thread? I too have a Model Name: DAP-1325 Hardware Version: A1 Firmware Version: 1.07

Maybe I'll give this a try sometime

I don't get it! am I doing this right? I tried uploading the sysupgrade "openwrt-23.05.2-ramips-mt76x8-dlink_dap-1325-a1-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin" through but I get a "Firmware Upgrade failed!" error.

You are using wrong file, use openwrt-23.05.0-ramips-mt76x8-dlink_dap-1325-a1-initramfs-kernel.bin on Failsafe UI

I uploaded exactly that file and every other version of initramfs-kernel.bin and still getting the same error

Has anyone really got it to work on this device ever?

Did you manage to find a solution?

You've got to flash it from failsafe mode

How I can enter into this mode??
Hold reset during powerOn not working.
I have fw 1.09.

Then you probably need to flash it using serial.

I chnaged fw to 1.06 but hold reset still not working...

I dont have toole for serial port...

Fw probably doesn't update boot loader, as long as you try to do it via the recovery page, fw version doesn't matter.