Install Packages While Offline?

Despite having the ipk already downloaded, opkg wants to re-download it and fails:

root@myrouter:/tmp# pwd
root@ myrouter:/tmp# ls -l libunbound_1.17.0-1_arm_cortex-a9_vfpv3-d16.ipk
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root        422897 Nov 25 14:15 libunbound_1.17.0-1_arm_cortex-a9_vfpv3-d16.ipk
root@ myrouter:/tmp# opkg install /tmp/libunbound_1.17.0-1_arm_cortex-a9_vfpv3-d16.ipk
Upgrading libunbound on root from 1.16.0-1 to 1.17.0-1...
Collected errors:
 * opkg_download: Failed to download, wget returned 4.
 * opkg_download: Check your network settings and connectivity.

 * opkg_install_pkg: Failed to download libunbound. Perhaps you need to run 'opkg update'?
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package libunbound.