Improving the Table of Hardware (TOH)?

You mean the export

Brand names are shown as best fit ascii representation of the brand, including capitalisation. Normalizing is no option.

Already done: CSV Hardware Download Version field uncomplete - #11 by tmomas


There is no SQL available for any of the toh views. The data plugin handles all the SQL. Out of this datatable definition

---- datatable ----
cols       : Device Type, Availability, Brand, Model, Versions, Supported Current Rel_releasepage, Device Page_page, OWrt Forum Topic URL_url, Device Techdata_pageid
headers    : Device Type, Availability, Brand, Model, Versions, Current Release, Device Page, OpenWrt Forum, Device Techdata
align      : l,l,l,l,l,l,l,l,l,c
dynfilters : 1
rownumbers : 1
filter     : Model!=@@Model@@
sort       : Brand

the data plugin creates
No user editable SQL involved (except for the csv export, which is not part of the data plugin).

See for available datatypes. Numeric is not available.


USB2.0 is something different than USB3.0, therefore just counting 1+1 together is wrong. How does a user find devices with USB3.0, if he has only "2x USB" information available? Same for Ethernet ports.

  • Stable: a stable release is listed in the dataentry
  • dev: snapshot is listed in the dataentry
  • false: device is not in the ToH. We still have some unsupported and / or WIP devices though, but much less than when we started the ToH in its current form. If there is useful information about a device and it is actively being worked on, we show it in the ToH (e.g. "PR pending").

Apart from that: Your expectations on stable and dev are not matching reality. A device with "stable" support might have serious issues (thinking of WiFi on WRT3200 etc.), while a device with "snapshot" (=dev) support might work perfectly.

If you are searching for a device to buy, use the right ToH view with appropriate filters already set, e.g., instead of the "show me all" view which shows the status of each and every device.

PR pending = A PR has been created, but has not been merged yet.
snapshot = dev
external image = someone has created an image (external to OpenWrt), but that's it. No PR has been created yet, no official image exists.

That's not a range, that are two distinct values 4 and 8, not 4,5,6,7,8.
In the data plugin, separate values are separated by comma.

Some explanations or "legend" could be easily implemented.

¿ was the first thing that came to my mind when I realized that ? does not work with the data plugin.

Can you please elaborate on this?

The Availability field allows you to filter out devices which are discontinued and possibly not easily available any more. I agree, it is in poor shape (I blame it on the community which only want to have, but doesn't want to give back), but removing it would be the wrong choice.

That would be an additional information, but would not replace the availability field.

See this as a confirmation that someone has actively checked commercial availability, rather than an extensive and complete listing of purchasing sites.
If someone sets "Availability" to "Available 2022" without providing "Where available", I immediately question this entry. This attitude comes from yearlong experience where I have seen many dataentries being created with "I whish it was supported, and creating a dataentry and putting bogus information in there certainly helps to get this device supported!!!11" in mind.

I think this could be easily implemented. What's the ebay query syntax for e.g. "WRT3200"?

Users do want to get an up-to-date device, click a button and receive their device 5min later, at least that's my impression. Searching to buy specifically "v5" while "v12" is already available might be difficult and time consuming. You have to ask yourself: Does it really need to be that special device that has been discontinued by the manufacturer 8 years ago and which takes weeks or months to source via ebay or other channels?

Select the view which matches your usecase, and you will get a table with a subset of columns (more or less).

Apart from that, I agree to jow's reply: It needs someone who does it (it = integration into the wiki).