I have a R6350 need help

I have a R6350 (netgear) it is soft bricked
(i am new to Open WRT, but 30+ years in electronics)

i can load stock FW from netgear with modified NMRPFLASH (see my issue on that site)

if I load stock FW from netgear
it will hang when running linux from startup , i do not get far , so no LAN, WAN, WIFI possible only serial until it hangs, then nothing, i can exit boot in Uboot shell but i do not see and commands that would help

If i load OPENWRT
Current Stable Release - OpenWrt 19.07.2 or snapshot i can get to busybox but so no LAN, WAN, WIFI possible only serial.
in the boot log I get complaints that the mac_add was not found so it will use a random one...

I tried most of the recovery stuff , but still nothing good...

form here i do not know where to look ,
I am guessing that an expert eye will find the culprit ... that is your challenge !!!

things to note,
this device uses Nand (128KB)
It has 2 bad blocks in the main section of flash (the code)
i do not know if these bad blocks are accounted for properly ?

my conclusion is the because both stock FW and openwrt fail ,
the issue must be related to something common and persistent (factory section ?)

I am willing to write up the R6350 device page on OPENWRT site once the is fixed... but i need help to get started...

let me know what i can do to help (bootlogs, putty logs ...)

please read this thread before asking for more stuff , lots of info is already there

thanks to all in advance

if ever, there is a better place to post this let me know


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