Huawei E8372 with Raspberry Pi 3

Hi, I have seen many topics covering using the Raspberry Pi as a router. I have also seen many topics on using a USB LTE dongle modem to provide a remote router/gateway.

I have not been able to find a good overall instructions on how to combine the Raspberry Pi with a USB LTE dongle. I may have missed something.

I get the impression its not easy and can get quite involved.

I have a E8372 Huawei LTE dongle with Wifi and I was looking at combining with a Raspberry Pi 3 B+. Would I be better using a different combination?

I want to be able to see the RSSI levels for all the connected WiFi clients and the LTE connection in one place. I was hoping to write a simple script to output the information to a terminal or monitor to show the levels in realtime.

Any thoughts?