How well does TP-Link RE305 work with OpenWrt?

does anybody know have well the tp-link re305 works with openwrt

Forum search results on TP-Link RE305 -

no really helpfull, I need to know if the 5GHz wifi works better than re200

So until someone chimes in, that's the sum total (11...including yours) of RE305 posts on the OpenWrt forums.

does anyone know any more information as I need to know if the range will be the same, as I have a RE200 on openwrt and it kept dropping out

I use the RE305 v4 as a range extender, it seems to work well, I cant put OpenWRT on it as its a later revision and they shrunk the flash memory from what was available on the v3

I am wanting to run openwrt and I have v3

it's already supported ?
be aware of though.

my re200 has range issue, would this be a problem with the re305