To work around the above pixel problem I enabled the WiFi on the wrt3200acm running 19.07.5. Since it was up and running again I decide to repeat the same tests. Note: the 3200 was configured as an AP and also happened to have the netperf server running on it which makes the test slightly different.
In the same room the latency and throughput was a sawtooth
In the upstairs bedroom it was the same story
I know the wrt3200acm is notorious for its terrible binary blob WiFi drivers, but this illustrates just how much better the mt76 driver is in these cases. Even in the same room a few metres away the ping can be over 1000ms! I wanted to share this measurement to celebrate the great work done on the m76. This ancient r6220 has no business outperforming the big wrt3200acm! This driver code is a small engineering marvel. You guys have done fantastic work. Thank you. I hope I'll be able to help.