How to test if certain QOS features are working/active

I just can't quite seem to get it right. I've tried so many combinations of settings and still get these latency spikes about once every 5-10 seconds. I get A+ on DSL reports. All i've got going is 1 stream and the game and it's still pretty bad. Any more ideas?
Things I've tried: Connection down to 15/4 , diffserv4 on/off, mpu 64 and 72, Packet per overhead 44 and 34, layer of cake, piece of cake.

Now that you have ipv6 back up and running we need to see those mtr results for ipv4 vs ipv6 to see if that's your issue.

Ok will get that done tomorrow evening, got to go to sleep as I’ve got the really early morning shift.

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I've tried pinging in 2 different instances on WinMRT both pinged ip addresses and both went through the local IP address . Doing an IPConfig on my computer did show the the PC was given an IPV6 address as well as an IPV6 default gateway.

Unfortunately I only have Linux here. So I don't know how to make WinMTR do things in ipv6. Under linux if I run it at the command line I can use the "-6" option to force ipv6. Perhaps in windows there is some menu option somewhere or a check box etc?

If the hypothesis is problems upstream then opkg update ; opkg install mtr will install the unix version of mtr on the router. Not all winmtr version support IPv6 is supposed to do so (the GUI has a checkbox for IPv6). But on windows 10 it might be better to install the linux subsystem wsl2, the older wsl1 does not support mtr, and run the "real" mtr.

So update, I haven't been able to figure out how to do IPV6 pings in WinMTR, however if I ping from the cmd it does ping an IPV6 address.
Another thing that came to mind was possibly using the edgrerouter X that I have as an in between jump and seperate out the PS4 as that's the only device having issues.
Perhaps have 2 VLANS one going into the router with opnenwrt with a guarenteed bandwidth of 20/5 and then another with just the PS4 getting 5/2. Does this sound like a possible solution to try, and would I have to change any of the ingress or egress commands to do this?

opkg update; opkg install mtr

then run
mtr -6 on the router itself

you can do that while running WinMTR on the windows machine to get the ipv4 stats... then we can compare the two paths.

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ok this is what I've got-

Run at same time but windows one was started a few seconds after.

Well this makes it seem like your problem is upstream.

Consider the difference between the average and the worst case... For ipv6 worst case is not bad until you get to at which point everything after that has worst case at least 60ms even though average is 25 or so...

in ipv4 it's a little different, worst case starts to be bad already at your first hop past openwrt router... but then goes down for the second hop.... so that might just be unimportant, but by the 3rd hop past the router, every thing is 60+ms even though avg is 9-10ms

so basically I conclude an upstream choke point in your ISP infrastructure. You unfortunately can't do anything about that :frowning:

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That's a bit frustrating, and also explains why trying to many different solutions have failed to yield any noticeable improvements.

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Yep, that would be frustrating. At least you have SQM set up and shouldn't have issues on your local link.

Are you having game or voip issues? Because spikes to 60-100 ms every so often would do that :frowning: however if it's games perhaps playing at a different time of day when there's less saturation on the core would be less frustrating. If it's VOIP obviously you can't reschedule your calls to 11pm or whatever.

The only time we ever use VOIP is when we’re gaming, the calls actually are perfectly fine and hardly ever have issues. It’s the games that struggle more than anything. Perhaps you’re right, just play in the morning or late evening to avoid peak times.