How to switch from firewall 3 to firewall 4 on my belkin rt3200

hello I would like to switch from firewall 3 to firewall 4 on my belkin rt3200,

how to proceed please

and how to convert iptables to nftables also I looked at this page in passing thank you and happy new year everyone it's just an example

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I just clicked on advanced settings in the sysupgrade options and removed firewall then added firewall4. Seemed to work fine?


ok i has also attended sysupgrade i will test thanks for reactivity

i keep informed

Capture d’écran 2022-01-10 à 00.36.13

i delete the last firewall it's just and launch sysupgrade ?

Capture d’écran 2022-01-10 à 00.39.12

read here: Firewall4 / NFtables Tips and Tricks

or rely on uci / ubus to translate dscp marking rules for you


thanks for all

he has working

i has just put not keep settings for be sure while the update :wink:

i do'nt know if i keep settings if work or not but i has not tested

i've tested and for the vast majority it is fine

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ok good

just one things my upnp is broken now is normal ?

table inet miniupnpd {
        chain forward {
                type filter hook forward priority -25; policy accept;
                iif "wan" th dport 3074 @nh,128,32 0xc0a802a0 @nh,72,8 0x11 acce                                                             pt
                iif "wan" th dport 9308 @nh,128,32 0xc0a802a0 @nh,72,8 0x11 acce                                                             pt
table ip miniupnpd {
        chain prerouting {
                type nat hook prerouting priority dstnat; policy accept;
                iif "wan" udp dport 3074 dnat to
                iif "wan" udp dport 9308 dnat to

PR4642 issues...

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Did the same switch by removing firewall and chosing firewall4 with auc seems to work fine.

Do you still keep these packages?

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yes i prefere keep iptables and ip6tables


Okay thanks I haven't built a new image without them but ran the opkg remove on them. Any reason why you prefer to keep them?

Do you also have to Firewall tabs in luci?

Firewall (nftables)
Firewall (iptables)

yes i have two firewall

i use a special script for gaming only with iptables not compatible nftables

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The double entry in luci disappeared after remoing iptables and a reboot.

You has remove iptables is normal you has only now nftables

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