How to stop SLAAC from handing out ULA IPv6 to clients?

dont expect google to fix it. its been "wont fix" for years on their bug tracker cos some fracktard engineer thinks he knows better than everyone else. Simple answer is get an apple phone because they do dhcpv6 and thus are corporate network usable.

Much to my surprise, Android still has a broken IPv6 implementation in 2020. By design. They are not going to fix it. There are a couple of valid arguments from Google and Lorenzo Colitti, but they are pretty weak. The irony of it all though is that people are asking for it but Google is not willing to implement it, because they think they know better than their users . They will happily spy on you, serve you ads, and sell your data , but allowing you to run DHCPv6 would be doing you a disservice.

The SLAAC is something the client does based on the prefixes found in the RA. So there is nothing the OpenWrt can do on that aspect. If you include the ULA prefix in the RA, then the clients will use it to create their ULA address. If you use the ip6class to remove the ULA from the RA, then the clients will only create the GUA address.


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