How to mount storage

I would like to install docker but i am running into a problem .
I have to mount my storage to /opt/ (docker) but i can't shame shame
I googled and did not found anything to point me in the right direction i did install block-mount.
And tried adding a mountpoint but i do not see the mount point in the Mounted file systems.
this is the tekst in the dockerd openwrt what i need to do.

Install Docker Community Edition

install docker-ce package for the commandline tools
install luci-app-dockerman package to get a control panel for docker containers in Luci

the default folder for docker in the dockerman luci interface is /opt/docker so you want to mount your storage at /opt or change the folder in Docker –> Overview –> Docker Root Dir and then restart the whole device, or the dockerd service.

sure these are openwrt instructions ?

Available openwrt packages in 21.02.

root@OpenWrt:/etc/config# opkg list | grep docker
docker - 20.10.12-2 - The CLI used in the Docker CE and Docker EE products.
docker-compose - 1.28.2-1 - Multi-container orchestration for Docker
docker-compose-src - 1.28.2-1 - Multi-container orchestration for Docker  This package contains the Python source files for docker-compose.
dockerd - 20.10.12-2 - The Docker CE Engine.
python3-docker - 4.4.1-1 - A Python library for the Docker Engine API. It lets you do anything the docker command does, but from within Python apps – run containers manage containers, manage Swarms, etc.
python3-docker-src - 4.4.1-1 - A Python library for the Docker Engine API. It lets you do anything the docker command does, but from within Python apps – run containers manage containers, manage Swarms, etc.  This package contains the Python source files for python3-docker.
python3-dockerpty - 0.4.1-3 - Python library to use the pseudo-tty of a docker container
python3-dockerpty-src - 0.4.1-3 - Python library to use the pseudo-tty of a docker container  This package contains the Python source files for python3-dockerpty.

This is what I try to follow

They seem outdated, or the packages aren't built for some reason :confused:

Well if I install the docker packages it does not work out of the box. :smile::smile:
Hoped following this guide would make it work haha. Do you know on how to get this to work ?Or is it off Google???:smile:

you could try to downgrade to 19.07, or at least check the package availability for both releases in

I've got the same problem. I'm playing with OpenWRT (22.03.03 x86-64) in a Hyper-V VM. Here's what it looks like before I install the docker packages:

root@openwrt64:/# df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root               993.5M     42.4M    935.1M   4% /
tmpfs                     1.9G     64.0K      1.9G   0% /tmp
/dev/sda1                16.0M      5.7M     10.2M  36% /boot
/dev/sda1                16.0M      5.7M     10.2M  36% /boot
tmpfs                   512.0K         0    512.0K   0% /dev

note the /dev/root line

Then I do lsblk and get this:

root@openwrt64:~# lsblk
sda        8:0    0      1G  0 disk
├─sda1     8:1    0     16M  0 part /boot
│                                   /boot
├─sda2     8:2    0 1006.8M  0 part /
└─sda128 259:0    0    239K  0 part

Then I install dockerd (via LUCI -> software). Here's what it looks like afterward:

root@openwrt64:~# df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root               993.5M    229.5M    748.0M  23% /
tmpfs                     1.9G      1.1M      1.9G   0% /tmp
/dev/sda1                16.0M      5.7M     10.2M  36% /boot
/dev/sda1                16.0M      5.7M     10.2M  36% /boot
tmpfs                   512.0K         0    512.0K   0% /dev
/dev/root               993.5M    229.5M    748.0M  23% /opt/docker

Note the last line. Then I do another lsblk and get this (note the sda2 line):

root@openwrt64:~# lsblk
sda        8:0    0      1G  0 disk
├─sda1     8:1    0     16M  0 part /boot
│                                   /boot
├─sda2     8:2    0 1006.8M  0 part /opt/docker
│                                   /
└─sda128 259:0    0    239K  0 part

Then I install docker (for the CLI) package, and do a docker pull and get the error:

root@openwrt64:~# docker pull homeassistant/home-assistant
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from homeassistant/home-assistant
ca7dd9ec2225: Pull complete
e6d365cffc05: Pull complete
25233afa79ae: Pull complete
3672428e239a: Pull complete
1ad69a6e86a8: Pull complete
abb2341072b3: Pull complete
219e719719e5: Pull complete
0832ba18ffcb: Pull complete
ac1477fe6917: Pull complete
8b02b1c5ce58: Pull complete
4f4fb700ef54: Pull complete
bdbb78198791: Pull complete
8ef03b595278: Pull complete
42c3d8852642: Pull complete
1f250ab5a862: Pull complete
d31fc875d7eb: Pull complete
a831966812a9: Pull complete
cebbe603660c: Pull complete
4372c1e93437: Pull complete
4dc65c95d7da: Pull complete
c2295ab063a5: Pull complete
71154dce9580: Pull complete
93c2ec75c90c: Pull complete
e0d070010dcb: Extracting [==================================================>]  304.6MB/304.6MB
fee2ca5bcadd: Download complete
8c1bd91d33ac: Download complete
5d3fae7d66e9: Download complete
e9c92c5de481: Download complete
failed to register layer: Error processing tar file(exit status 1): write /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/Cython/Compiler/__pycache__/ExprNodes.cpython-310.pyc: no space left on device

Any thoughts?