How to install uBoot

Exactly. This looks to be easily recoverable at this point, but if you don't know what you're doing it's bound to get worse.

kwboot sends a copy of u-boot over serial to the device's RAM, so it can boot up (once) even if there is nothing in the internal flash.
This process completes successfully.
U-boot starts up with the typical u-boot message of processor type, RAM and flash sizes.
It starts up the network and tries to ping a server at but there is no response.
It finds your Kingston USB flash drive and apparently loads /boot/uEnv.txt from it, then checks for two files to potentially load and boot.

  • /boot/zImage
  • /boot/initramfs-linux.img

Those files are not found.
So, as the last resort, it boots from internal flash.
There is a kernel in internal flash but it doesn't match the machine ID. System halts.

Those all FF numbers suggest they were read from corrupted / erased flash.


Ok trying filling the gaps

Boot rom -> u-boot ->. Openwrt

Some boot rom versions support loading u-boot loadind from serial if given any with kwboot software from another machine

Boot-rom vs bootloader

Right. There is a very small ROM in the SoC which runs before anything in flash. It's function is mostly to get the RAM controller and RAM chips initialized and usable to store data. Then (in normal operation) it will load the bootloader from flash to RAM and jump to it.

A few SoC have an additional feature to load from serial to RAM, to recover in case there is not a usable bootloader in the flash.

The problem seems to have started when I followed some instructions for installing OpenWrt on this unit, in particular the command:-

nand erase 0x0 0x100000

From the section

Install u-boot and OpenWrt 18.06.1 into NAND via serial cable and tftp-server


This seems to have zapped the existing uBoot, but I suspect the environment remains and that is interfering in the boot. Not exactly sure where that lives...

Here is my environment:-

GoFlexHome> printenv
bootcmd=run startboot; run bootubi
bootm=run load_debian; echo Booting from ${type} ${disk}:1 ...; bootm ${uimage_addr} ${initrd_addr} ${fdt_addr}
bootubi=echo Trying to boot from NAND ...; if run mountubi; then ubifsload ${loadaddr} /boot/zImage;ubifsload ${fdtaddr} /boot/dtbs/${fdtfile}; ubifsumount; setenv boota
rgs console=${console} ubi.mtd=1 root=ubi0:rootfs ro rootfstype=ubifs  rootwait ${mtdparts}; bootz ${loadaddr} - ${fdtaddr}; fi
load_debian=setenv type usb; setenv disk 0; run set_bootargs; echo Running loadfdt ...;run loadfdt; echo Running loaduinitrd ...;run loaduinitrd; echo Running loaduimage
 ...; run loaduimage
loadfdt=ext2load ${type} ${disk}:1 ${fdt_addr} ${fdt_file}
loadimage=load ${devtype} ${bootpart} ${loadaddr} ${bootdir}/${bootfilez} || load ${devtype} ${bootpart} ${loadaddr} ${bootdir}/${bootfilem}
loadrd=load ${devtype} ${bootpart} ${rdaddr} ${bootdir}/${rdfile}
loaduimage=ext2load ${type} ${disk}:1 ${uimage_addr} ${uimage}
loaduinitrd=ext2load ${type} ${disk}:1 ${initrd_addr} ${initrd}
mainargs=setenv bootargs console=${console} ${mtdparts} root=${root} rw rootwait ${optargs} ${ncargs}
mountubi=ubi part rootfs; ubifsmount ubi0:rootfs
preboot=if env exists netconsole && test ${netconsole} = on; then if ping ${ncip}; then setenv stdin nc; setenv stdout nc; setenv stderr nc; version; if env exists ncarg
susr; then echo ncargs has been defined by user; setenv ncargs ${ncargsusr}; else setenv ncargs ignore_loglevel netconsole=6665@${ipaddr}/eth0,6666@${ncipk}/; fi; fi; el
se echo Netconsole has been turned off.; echo To turn it on, set netconsole variable to on.; setenv stdin; setenv stdout; setenv stderr; setenv ncargs; fi
set_bootargs=setenv bootargs console=$console root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=10 $mtdparts
startboot=usb start; ide reset; for devtype in usb ide; do setenv devnum 0; while ${devtype} dev ${devnum}; do echo ${devtype} found on device ${devnum}; setenv bootpart
 ${devnum}:1; echo Checking for: ${bootdir}/uEnv.txt ...; if test -e ${devtype} ${bootpart} ${bootdir}/uEnv.txt; then load ${devtype} ${bootpart} ${loadaddr} ${bootdir}/
uEnv.txt; env import -t ${loadaddr} ${filesize}; echo Loaded environment from ${bootdir}/uEnv.txt; echo Checking if uenvcmd is set ...; if test -n ${uenvcmd}; then echo
Running uenvcmd ...; run uenvcmd; fi; fi; if run loadimage; then if env exists root; then echo root has been defined by user; else part uuid ${devtype} ${bootpart} uuid;
 setenv root PARTUUID=${uuid}; fi; run mainargs; if run loadfdt; then if run loadrd; then bootz ${loadaddr} ${rdaddr}:${filesize} ${fdtaddr}; else bootz ${loadaddr} - ${
fdtaddr}; fi; else if run loadrd; then bootm ${loadaddr} ${rdaddr}:${filesize}; else bootm ${loadaddr}; fi; fi; else echo No kernel found; fi; setexpr devnum ${devnum} +
 1; done; done;

Environment size: 3560/131068 bytes
GoFlexHome> .]0;root@archlinux:~/projects/u-boot.[root@archlinux u-boot]# exit

Not sure if kwboot needs any of this to boot.... Can I zap it all and incrementally add any variables I need via /boot/uEnv.txt ?

Is your

bootpart 1:1

Command right ??

Too many u-boot versions recipes online
With different env ... difficult to understand

Could @jeff or somebody else guide you
With a step by step guide by console command instead of running bootcmd ?

Like stop the boot up process


Usb reset 

And so on ?

I think the whole environment is screwed.

I'm looking at how to replace it so that it works properly with my .kwb .

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Guess there should be a way !!

Does u-boot handles both uimage and zimage?

What is the ls equivalent for u-boot

After usb reset
usb scan ?

This is going to be the easiest path for you to learn more about the process without creating more issues for your self. So invest some time in understanding this.


First you need to complete the process of writing the bootloader to the mtd0 flash partition that you erased (which as the other post painstakingly explained, was simply a failure to round up the file size to the next 1 kB increment). This should allow it to boot (at least into u-boot) out of flash each time the power is turned on without needing kwboot serial download. The bootloader you're loading with kwboot likely has its own environment built in and changes you make to it will not be persistent.

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Actually saveenv saves variables in the environment and are persistant between kwboot reboots, by my experience.

So next question will be:

Where does it saves them and how ?

setenv ?? uenv ??

U-Boot typically saves its environment on a partition on flash.

Inexpert or panicked changes to that partition or U-Boot environment can easily render the unit unbootable.

Temporary changes to the U-Boot environment can generally be made through the U-Boot console. This is the recommended approach, rather than altering the saved environment.

Thank @jeff this kwboot things is making my logic wandering !

For normal uboot I’ve found thi blog

Very informative:

@jeff another question or two

1 - So booting from kwboot I can only use compiled uboot env into my uboot.bin ? Or not?

Then I can flash a new uboot.bin compiled with the CONFIG_ENV_SIZE variable and then I can flash next to it the u-boot env.bin (blob ?) compiled from uboot mkenvimage using a text file and setting the blob size same as CONFIG_ENV_SIZE ?

2- I dumped my ar150 uboot env on a file ? How can I read its content ? Meaning using a hex reader isn’t quite informative to my eyes ?

With the warning that I'm not very familiar with kwboot!!!

Assuming that kwboot loads its own bootloader over serial, I would guess that:

  • Compiled-in parameters of the flash-resident U-Boot are not present
  • The flash-resident U-Boot environment might be read by the bootloader downloaded and started by kwboot

The AR150 is a very different device. From what I understand, kwboot is specific to a different SoC family. If you want to "see" what is stored there, hexdump -C <path-to-partition-dump> generally reveals key=value pair data.

So my u boot env only FF FF ad infinitum means I am relaying on env written on u boot main ?

If you've got the right partition and it's "empty", most likely yes.

GL.iNet has a full-featured U-Boot through their own, on-going, development efforts. , so it wouldn't surprise me that they've made it self-contained.


Are you sure you've got the right partition?

From my AR300M-Lite:

root@OpenWrt:~# cat /proc/mtd
dev:    size   erasesize  name
mtd0: 00040000 00010000 "u-boot"
mtd1: 00010000 00010000 "u-boot-env"
mtd2: 00fa0000 00010000 "firmware"
mtd3: 00190000 00010000 "kernel"
mtd4: 00e10000 00010000 "rootfs"
mtd5: 00a50000 00010000 "rootfs_data"
mtd6: 00010000 00010000 "art"
root@OpenWrt:~# hexdump -C /dev/mtd1ro
00000000  aa 1f 78 57 62 6f 6f 74  61 72 67 73 3d 62 6f 61  |..xWbootargs=boa|
00000010  72 64 3d 43 55 53 35 33  31 2d 4e 41 4e 44 20 63  |rd=CUS531-NAND c|
00000020  6f 6e 73 6f 6c 65 3d 74  74 79 53 30 2c 31 31 35  |onsole=ttyS0,115|
00000030  32 30 30 20 20 75 62 69  2e 6d 74 64 3d 35 2c 32  |200  ubi.mtd=5,2|
00000040  30 34 38 20 72 6f 6f 74  3d 2f 64 65 76 2f 6d 74  |048 root=/dev/mt|

After managing to reinstall u-boot on my GoFlex Home, I'm trying figure how the whole thing works....

According to this is the Flash Layout

Flash Layout
Original FlashLayout
mtd#	mtd0	mtd1	mtd2	mtd3
start	0x000000	0x100000	0x500000	0x2500000
size	0x100000	0x400000	0x2000000	0xdb00000
in MiB	1	4	32	219
name	u-boot	uImage	root	data
file system	none	???	JFFS2	??

so why do the instructions for install u-boot have this:-

download from tftp-server u-boot.kwb file to RAM start offset 0x6400000

tftp 0x6400000 u-boot.kwb

rather than installing at 0x000000

My current u-boot was installed using:-

nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2017.07-tld-1.goflexhome.mtd0.kwb

Can't I do a similar thing with u-boot.kwb?

is not in flash. If you read carefully above you will find references to downloading and booting from RAM. Understanding the difference between the two is very important to your success.

Yes, an expert user likely could. However, any mistake made may, or may not be recoverable.

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I’ll re-check and let you know could be I didn’t scroll down the entire hex dump