How to host index.php under root or under /mnt/sda1

My requirement is to host index.php under root or /mnt/sda1/, my configuration is below, unfortunately I am getting error as below, please help here

I have installed uhttpd and i am successfully able to run any index.html file on but in case of index.php, no luck


config 'uhttpd' 'myconfig'
	list listen_http ''
	list listen_http '[::]:1234'
	list listen_https ''
	list listen_https '[::]:1234'
	option redirect_https '0'
	option home '/'
	list index_page 'index.php'
	list interpreter '.php=/usr/bin/php-cgi'

Thanks, in advanced.

This requires a certificate and key file to be specified. You must also specify a port other than the one used for http.

To be able to set a custom home variable, you must first comment out the doc_root option in /etc/php.ini using a semicolon (;).


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