How to get Lua Lanes patched?

Who should I contact or How should I go about getting Lua Lanes patched?

There's a patch needed to get Lua Lanes to work with Lua compiled with the latest gcc.

Please see

@ynezz thank-you

Some research later:
Lua Lanes has been released with a fix for this issue at

the specific commit which uses sched_yield instead of the now removed pthread_yield is at

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To add on this - I tested running the sqm-autorate Lua script on a VM running 22.03-rc1 built with imagebuilder, which gives the error mentioned in the issue Charles referred to.

Using the SDK I built an updated package for 3.16.0 and installed that in the VM. Now runs as expected.

It sounds like lualanes 3.16.0 works fine but the OpenWrt package repository still has 3.13.0-2. How do we go about getting the package in the repository updated with the newest version?