You fix this by putting your MTU on the correct setting. For normal Ethernet, that number is 1500 . Also, you may want to note to others you're doing this because you believe your Fortnite game has a problem; because it sends small packets and/or not/using the fragmentation flags .
You will never reach the Fortnite server at Amazon if you keep lowering the MTU of the packets and refuse to fragment them. I think you may need to understand what you're doing and why it's actually causing your problem:
IP fragmentation is an Internet Protocol (IP) process that breaks packets into smaller pieces (fragments), so that the resulting pieces can pass through a link with a smaller maximum transmission unit (MTU) than the original packet size. The fragments are reassembled by the receiving host.
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Also see:
In the context of Internet Protocol, MTU refers to the maximum size of an IP packet that can be transmitted without fragmentation over a given medium. The size of an IP packet includes IP headers but excludes headers from the link layer. In the case of an Ethernet frame this adds an overhead of 18 bytes, or 22 bytes with an IEEE 802.1Q tag for VLAN tagging or class of service.
The MTU should not be confused with the minimum datagram size that all hosts must be prepared to accept. This is 576 byt...