[Solved] How i automount multiple HDD as Tomato

I am furious , i remove all.

By automount I presume you mean you just want the devices to mount when attached, you can do this by editting /etc/config/fstab appropriately see things like [Solved] Auto mount USB storage

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I am furious , i remove all.

When you plug in a drive, a /dev/sdX will be generated, and the partition table will be read to create /dev/sdX1, sdX2 etc. That is part of the kernel scsi and usb-storage drivers, which are not included in a base image so you need to install them.

This is not "mounting a drive". The /dev/sd devices are just a blob of raw sectors on the disk or flash device. To make sense of them in terms of directories and files, a filesystem driver needs to be loaded and the filesystem mounted into the file tree. This is usually done by associating the partition's UUID to a mounting point (and a filesystem type, if it can't be auto detected) in a configuration file.

In OpenWrt this file is /etc/config/fstab and the block-mount package enables and manages automatic mounting. In the wiki page below, scroll down to automount.


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I am furious , i remove all.

After the external disk's filesystem is mounted (e.g. on /mnt/shared) then you need a file sharing package such as samba to make that part of the file tree available on the network.

Tomato is like a desktop distribution in that a lot of optional features are all built into one initial install. That is not how OpenWrt is set up. You have to install packages to gain more than basic routing functionality.

If you are connecting multiple drives as a permanent group of storage, you really need to reference them by UUID because the /dev/sd names will not be consistent depending on the order that the drives are plugged in and/or detected.

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Tomato uses Kernel 2.6 so some things will be different from OpenWrt.

I am furious , i remove all.

Glad you got it wokring. I'm not sure why you had to compile an image - instead of installing the packages.

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