How does OpenWrt ensure network device names are consistent?

afaik interfaces are switched around depending on the order in which they appear (and on boot also the order the drivers are loaded does determine how things are named).

I had developed a script that re-assignes interfaces by reading the mac address, and use it as a local package in my builds (it's installed and run as a service on boot) as my usecase was mainly to ship a pre-written config file so that if I decide to erase the config on sysupgrade it does not reset interfaces and Lan becomes whatever and I need to go and swap cables and manually change it back.

but you probably need to add it to hotplug folder as well so it's triggered every time a new network device is added/removed

This is the procd init script

#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common


# don't run within buildroot
[ -n "${IPKG_INSTROOT}" ] && return 0

#use busybox grep as GNU grep may be set differently and break the script
/bin/busybox 'grep' $@

#shutting down all interfaces, then assigning temporary name to free up interface names
#bridges and virtual interfaces are already excluded by  /sys/class/net/*/device/uevent as only physical interfaces have that
for i in $( ls /sys/class/net/*/device/uevent | awk -F'/' '{print $5}' | tr '\n' ' ' ) ;

	mac_address=$( grep $i /etc/config/mac-static-interfaces | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d '"' )
	if [ "$mac_address" != '' ]; then
		ip link set "$i" down 
		ip link set "$i" name old"$i"

for i in $( ls /sys/class/net/*/device/uevent | awk -F'/' '{print $5}' | tr '\n' ' ' ) ;

mac_address=$( cat /sys/class/net/$i/address  )
	interface_name=$( grep -i $mac_address /etc/config/mac-static-interfaces | awk '{print $2}' )
	if [ "$interface_name" != '' ]; then
		ip link set "$i" down 
		ip link set "$i" name "$interface_name"

and this is the config file /etc/config/mac-static-interfaces

config mac-static-interfaces
	#option eth0 "70:85:c2:8a:57:4d"