I've been searching for the repository that init.d/dropbear
belongs to., but I can't find it. I feel like a moron
So, how does one accomplish this?
I've been searching for the repository that init.d/dropbear
belongs to., but I can't find it. I feel like a moron
So, how does one accomplish this?
I think you're asking which package the file /etc/init.d/dropbear belong to ?
its right there in the name ..dropbear
info can be found here https://openwrt.org/packages/pkgdata/dropbear
package src's here https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/tree/openwrt-22.03/package/network/services/dropbear
That much was clear.
Github search did not like my search query dropbear
. Once I added the '.'
it popped up as dropbear.init
One of my better moments in life
In the src, the dropbear init file is named dropbear.init ... so you were in fact in the right place
Just for note, the init files are renamed during install, dropbear init is renamed to dropbear and installed into the /etc/init.d/ directory during installation
If you're on a snapshot, apk
does this too:
apk info --who-owns /etc/init.d/dropbear
If on a stable release, with opkg
opkg search /etc/init.d/dropbear
now thats handy ..ty
And the PR17256 that goes along with it. I just don't like RSA.
Nice! And you can also do list on the package and find out the repo:
$ apk list dropbear
dropbear-2024.86-r1 x86_64 {feeds/base/network/services/dropbear} (MIT) [installed]
which, with a little interpolation (base
means openwrt/openwrt
repo), gets us to the package source at
I don't think the original repo location is retained anywhere in the opkg
info, unless someone puts it in a metadata comment...